Thanks for the Liebster award!

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Thanks for the Liebster Award!

First of all, thank you so much from Drew and Julie from Drive on the Left for nominating us for the Liebster Award! It came as a total shock to us, as we really had no idea other bloggers were reading, let alone liking what we are doing here! So it was pretty exciting to find out we were nominated! What is the Liebster Award? Don’t worry, until our nomination, we were clueless as well (we really put the ‘new’ in newbie bloggers!) (more…)

How we fell in Love with Dubrovnik

How we fell in Love with Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik is a tourist’s delight. From its stunning beaches, impressive city walls and the range of accommodation, tours and restaurants, you can’t go wrong with this destination. There is an indescribable beauty to this city that has to be seen to be believed. Lucky for you readers and wanderlusters out there, we will try to bring some of Dubrovnik to you! Here’s how we fell in love with Dubrovnik.


How to deal with Post-Travel Blues (PTB)

PBT is a serious condition

PTB is a serious condition

Post-Travel Blues. Anyone who has recently (or even-not-so-recently) returned from a holiday knows exactly what I’m talking about. That awful dread you feel when you realise that you have to unpack your suitcase, not knowing when you’ll get to use it again. Seeing ads of exotic destinations that you won’t be going to any time soon just make you down and depressed. Hearing others talking about their upcoming holiday plans makes you die inside. Trust me, I am an expert on this subject. And you know what, it’s ok to admit to suffering from PTB. In fact, we need to discuss it more. Put our cards out on the table and talk about it. We can get through this together! (more…)

Soaking up Split

Soaking up Split

I tried to come up with a witty title for this post, but sadly could only come up with lame ones, like “Let’s Split!” or “Side Splitting fun in Croatia”. So it was on those sad puns that I decided to just cut to the chase and write what I really wanted to say… which is how awesome Split is.


The Pilgrimage to Ecce Homo

Comically nicknamed “Ecce Mono” (Behold the Monkey)

Ever since I came across the story of how 83-year old Cecilia Giménez botched the fresco of Ecce Homo when taking it upon herself to “restore” it in 2012, I became fascinated and obsessed, vowing to see it in person. Two and a half years later, a trip to Zaragoza, a bus ride to Borja and a six kilometre hike up a hill (which actually felt more like 16!), I finally fulfilled my wish…


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