Glass Igloos of Finland

Glass Igloos of Finland

Glass Igloos of Finland

If these photos don’t make you want to stay in a glass igloo… nothing will…

Glass igloos are nothing short of magical in a winter wonderland

You had me at glass igloo

When I first saw a photo of the glass igloos of Kakslauttanen in Finland, I was entranced, and immediately dreamt about staying there. So when I did the Auxiliares Program in Spain, I figured it was the best time to tick that dream off the list. I mean, who can resist falling asleep with nothing but stars and, if you are lucky, the northern lights visibly over your head?

But hey, rather than waffle on about our stay there, we figured our photos are much more enticing…

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Glass igloos in Finland
Winter wonderland, Lapland Finland


Bedroom goals in Kakslauttanen

There’s nothing like waking up to sunlight softly streaming through snow-capped pine trees…

Rooms with a view, Finland
Glass Igloo, Kakslauttanen Finland
Lapland Finland

Whilst it looks cold on the outside, the inside is heated and toasty-warm…

Where to stay in Finland

Glass Igloos at night

Mesmerising by day, the glass igloos look magical at night, lit up amongst the snow and the stars…

Glass igloos by night
Staying in a glass igloo, Finland
Unique accommodation in the world

For those a little shy for the glass igloos, you can stay in rooms completely made out of snow!

Alternative accommodation in Finland

If you want the ultimate white wedding, why not in a glass chapel, surrounded by a white, winter wonderland?

Glass chapel, Finland

Husky Safari through Lapland

You can also arrange fun activities at the hotel. The Husky Safari is an absolute must! Not only is it a chance to get the adrenaline racing, it’s also one of the best ways to see the undeniable beauty of Finnish Lapland.

The magical scenery of Finland
Husky Safaris Finland
Happy Huskies

Want to read more about our Finland adventure? Check out our post!

Winter Wonderland

We are normally beach people and prefer the warmer weather, but seeing the sun rise through the snow-covered trees was absolutely magical and swayed me to embrace the cold and the forest. It really felt like we were in a fairytale.

Winter wonderland in Finnish Lapland

The Finnish Sauna – Getting in touch with nature… literally 

Did you know that the word Sauna is the only Finnish word that has been internationally accepted in other languages? It seems appropriate, as it is quite the pastime. If you want the true Lappish experience, you should sit in the heated room, naked, until it becomes unbearable. Then, and only then, you should run outside and roll in the snow. It’s said to have wonderful health properties, such as improving blood circulation, but I’m pretty sure we all do it just for the rush.

Igloo Sauna, Kakslauttanen
Igloo Village, Kakslauttanen Finland

Guy and I are not ones to miss out on experiencing the local culture, so off we went, to our respective saunas (they are segregated for each gender), and into the snow we jumped. I was more concerned about slipping on the ice and knocking myself out, naked, than how cold the snow would be, but I did it, and kinda loved it! It’s a very invigorating experience, and I ended up making naked snow angels, giggling at the oddity of it all… twice (sorrynotsorry for the visuals!)!

Saunas in Finland
Kakslauttanen, Finland

Snow fun!

For those who are still very in touch with their inner-child, you’ve got plenty of opportunities to make snow angels and have snowball fights in fresh, soft powder…

Winter fun in the snow

Food, glorious food!

There are no cooking facilities in the glass igloos, however, the onsite restaurant makes up for that with delicious meals. They aren’t cheap, but the taste of a delicious, warm meal on a cold evening is priceless… Depending where your accommodation is located, you can enjoy a drink in the glass igloo bar.

Delicious meals at Kakslauttanen
Eating in Finland
Reindeer, cooked to perfection
Delicious desserts with local produce
Cute winter cabins

The Northern Lights

If you are very lucky, you might even catch the fascinating and awe-inspiring aurora borealis (northern lights). The aurora is a fickle thing though, and only appears when the skies are clear and electrically charged particles from the sun collide with gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Luckily for us, we got a glimpse…

The Northern Lights Finland
Aurora Borealis

Unfortunately for us, it was still quite a cloudy night, so the glimpse we got was so fleeting and quick, I didn’t have time to properly set up my camera, so the photos didn’t turn out as great as I’d hoped (we happened to just be walking back to our igloo from the restaurant when we saw them). We also briefly saw it from our igloo in bed (a moment I’ll never forget!), but the clouds quickly covered it up.

Northern lights at Kakslauttanen
Glass igloos Kakslauttanen Finland

Are you convinced? Is staying in a Glass Igloo at Kakslauttanen on your bucket list? If so, you should definitely start saving and start booking! These igloos are pretty popular and I booked our accommodation close to 10 months in advance (and got the last one!). When you are there, don’t forget to take the obligatory selfie! 🙂

Selfies and glass igloos

What to Eat in Japan – More Than Sushi

What to Eat in Japan – More Than Sushi

What to Eat in Japan – More Than Sushi

If you visit Japan and just stick to eating sushi or ramen, you are doing it wrong.

Japan is a foodie’s delight, with a plethora of food options that will please all tastes. Fresh seafood, flavoursome soups and delicious street food are just a small selection of the food options for travellers to Japan. I was fortunate enough to spend a week exploring Osaka, Sakai and Kobe and found myself looking forward to each meal along the way. Here is a small selection of dishes you should try when visiting Japan:


This might be my favourite dish when I visited Japan in 2016. To describe it best, it’s a mix between a pancake or fritter, with its main ingredient being cabbage. Okonomiyaki is a popular dish in Osaka, however other regions also have their own take on the simple-but-satisfying dish.

Okonomiyaki - A favourite Japanese dish

My first introduction to Okonomiyaki was during my first day in Japan. After a long 10 hour flight, and bus trip to the hotel, we were ushered straight to lunch at Fugetsu in Universal City. They prepare the Okonomiyaki in the Osaka style, however they top it with noodles (which is technically not the traditional way of doing it in Osaka, but nevertheless, I loved it!). What really makes this dish is the mix of the okonomiyaki sauce (similar to oyster sauce) and Japanese mayonnaise.

Okonomiyaki with noodles



I’m still on the fence with this one, as I’m not a fan of octopus, but am quite prone to gooey balls of batter and cheese. Takoyaki is a popular street food in Osaka, however Takomasa restaurant in Sakai have turned this common snack into a locally loved dish, served as a course with rice, salad and crumbed oysters. If you don’t mind the texture of octopus (rubbery, for the uninitiated), then takoyaki is a great on-the-go snack.

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Takoyaki - Japanese street food
What to eat in Japan


Udon noodles are one of my favourite types of noodles. Who am I kidding, I love all noodles! But, udon noodles have got a unique texture and are delicious in Udonsuki – a soupy mix of broth, vegetables, meat, seafood and, of course, udon noodles. Japanese eating culture is quite sociable and the art of sharing a large, communal Udonsuki is a great example of that.

Udonsuki - Udon soup and veges
Japanese food

If you want to read more from my visit to Japan, read my posts Highlights of Osaka & Day Trips from Osaka at Mapping Megan.


Shabu Shabu

Another hot pot dish, this is a fun, social way to eat. You essentially order the type of meat you want (in our case, we had delicately thin slices of beef, pork and chicken) and the type of ‘soup’ you want. There are choices from a soy-based soup (which tastes nicer than it sounds), or your standard clear soups. Then, you pretty much cook your own meal, adding whatever vegetables and noodles you want to the bubbling liquid. Condiments are also provided, so you can add extra spice and flavour to your own individual bowl.

Shabu Shabu ingredients
Popular food in Japan - Shabu Shabu

Kobe Beef

I am a carnivore, through and through and love my red meat. After spending a week politely avoiding fish (which is harder than you think in Japan!), I was so happy to find out we were going to Kobe Plaisir, a restaurant that specialises in Kobe Beef on our final night. Perfectly marbled and seasoned just right, Kobe Beef is cooked in front of us by an experienced chef. Served with salad and rice, the beef is definitely the highlight, which just melts in the mouth. For our carnivorous readers, this is a must!

Kobe Beef is a Japanese delicacy


Katsu Curry & Rice

This is one of my favourite comfort foods. It turns out it’s also a favourite for the Japanese Navy where (I’m told) every Friday is ‘Curry and Rice’ day. Typically Katsu is a thin, crumbed, pork or chicken cutlet, but with the deliciously rich curry sauce and rice, it brings the flavour to a whole new level. Although curry isn’t technically a traditional dish of Japan, they have certainly made it their own (and, in my opinion, made it better!).

Bento Boxes

Bento Boxes are extremely popular in Japan, with an assortment of meat, rice and vegetables, all beautifully presented in cute individual dishes in a box. Kinda like a happy meal, but for grown ups (and a lot healthier!).

Japanese Bento Boxes


Chawan Mushi

When you think of egg custard, you think of a sweet, creamy dessert, right? Think again. Chawan Mushi is an egg custard dish, but savoury. It has a similar consistency of custard, but mixed with soy sauce, dashi and mirin, it is served as a dish with mushrooms and a meat. We had it at Kani Douraku (see below) as one of the crab dishes, and whilst a bit strange at first (as you expect it to be sweet), it is really delicious and smooth.

Chawan Mushi at Kani Douraku


Amazake pudding

Whilst ‘fermented’ isn’t a word that brings deliciousness to mind, Amazake Pudding really is that (delicious). It’s essentially a fermented rice pudding, where the carbohydrates in the rice turn to simple sugars. It’s actually similar to the first stages of making sake. The result is a sweet, smooth and creamy pudding, often served with sweetened beans and jelly. This was one of my favourite dishes during my tour of Japan.

Japanese Desserts - Amazake Pudding
What to eat in Japan

Delicious Crab at Kani Douraku

If you happen to be visiting Osaka and love crab, treat yourself to a 5-course meal at Kani Douraku, the most famous crab restaurant in Japan. Kani Douraku is a very popular restaurant chain (with multiple restaurants found around Japan, with Osaka being the original and their main one). You can order individual crab dishes, or set menus. We had a 5-course set menu, and, let me tell you, each course was delicious.

Crab dishes at Kani Douraku
Crab at Kani Douraku
Crab Sushi at Kani Douraku
Crab Gratin at Kani Douraku

You can find store locations on their website. Reservations are recommended.

And, of course, Sushi

The sushi in Japan is fresh and delicious. If you are like me, and are a bit of a wuss when it comes to spice, they put wasabi INSIDE the sushi, so don’t overload on the sauce before you have a taste. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! If you are a fan of sushi, a sushi-making-course is a fun and delicious way to pass a couple of hours!

Home-made Sushi tastes better
Japanese food is Oishi!

We can’t wait to return to Japan in June and continue our food journey.

What Japanese dishes do you like and think we should try?

Tell us below!

25 Things to do in Yogyakarta

25 Things to do in Yogyakarta

25 Things to do in Yogyakarta

I have a confession to make.

I had never heard of, let alone considered visiting, Yogyakarta prior to being invited there by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism. However, from the moment I arrived and realised all of the many things to do in Yogyakarta, there was something that drew me to the place and I was surprised that it hadn’t been on my radar until that point. 

Yogyakarta (pronounced ‘Jogjakarta’, and affectionately known as Jogja) is a city located on the Indonesian island of Java. While it’s not as famous as its other Indonesian counterparts such as Bali, it is a place that deserves to be explored. Culture, heritage and art run prevalent here, with a funky vibe flowing through its core. I must warn you though, once you’ve been drawn in, you’ll never be able to forget it. In fact, there’s so many unforgettable things to do in Yogyakarta, you will find it hard to walk away without having done them all!

Here’s 25 things you must do in Yogyakarta (in no particular order):

1. Get your adrenaline rush with a Jeep tour

Merapi Lava Tour in Yogyakarta

Merapi Lava Tour by Pratik from Sadak_Chap

If you are somewhat of an adrenaline junkie, like myself, then you will love the thrill of speeding through rivers and the mountainside. Make sure you have waterproof gear though, as the jeeps were known to leak! You also visit both Merapi Volcano and Sisa Hartaku (see below) on the Lava Tour, so you can cross a few things off the list in one hit!

25 Things to do in Yogyakarta - Jeep tour

Badass Jeep by Bressiona

25 Things to do in Yogyakarta Indonesia

The adrenaline junkies post-joyride

2. Visit Borobudur temple

Borobudur, Indonesia

Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Built in the 9th century, it is nine levels high and covers 2,500m2. There are three zones, each covered with stone carvings depicting different teachings of Buddha.

The carvings of Borobudur, Yogyakarta

The 72 bell-shaped stupas are the most eye-catching, with each one containing a statue of the Buddah, and representing eternity. If you are into the details, it’s easy to pass the time studying the many carvings, searching for each of the 504 Buddha statues or simply enjoying the majestic views of the green valley below. It’s quite spectacular, and if you are lucky enough to capture it at sunrise, you may leave a better person than when you entered.

The entrance to Borobodur, Yogyakarta
Borobudur things to do in Yogyakarta

Want to see what to do in Yogyakarta condensed down to 4 minutes? Check out our video and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!


3. Strip back to nature – rice paddy processing

Rice Paddy processing in Pentingsari, Yogyakarta

Pentingsari Village is a remote village, surrounded by luscious tropical forest and rice paddies. Here, you can have a go at cultivating the ground on the back of a buffalo and even have a go at planting the rice. It was actually harder than I thought! If you love the feeling of mud between your toes, you are in for a treat. If mud isn’t your thing, you can wander between the buildings and trees, and forget about the world you left behind.

Connect to nature at Pentingsari Village, Yogyakarta
Planting rice in Pentingsari, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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25 things to do in Yogyakarta
Exploring Borobudur, Indonesia

4. Visit the House of Memory in Sisa Hartaku

The House of Memory in Sisa Hartaku, Yogyakarta

It may have been due to the storm that hit when we were there, but this place is an eerie reminder that nature can sometimes be a force to be reckoned with. An open-aired museum, the House of Memory has a collection of items destroyed by the 2010 volcanic eruption of Merapi Volcano. Sadly, 353 people lost their lives in that event as they had stayed in their homes instead of evacuating. Melted glass, twisted metal bikes and even a clock that stopped at the time of the eruption sit silently in mourning for the lives lost in the devastating event. 

The devastating remains of the 2010 Mt Merapi eruption
The eruption frozen in time
Mt Merapi volcano melted glass and twisted metal
House of Memory Yogyakarta Indonesia

5. See a volcano

Mount Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia, with its last eruption occurring in 2014. It is also quite the tourist attraction, offering sweeping views of the landscape. Visiting Mt Merapi is easy enough with a Lava Tour from Yoes Adventure Kaliurang or by hiring a driver. Unfortunately for us, it was storming when we went there, however if you are blessed by the weather gods, you may get a shot like this.

Mount Merbabu things to do in Yogyakarta

Volcano at sunrise by Larissa Dening

6. Wander through Kotagede

Kotagede is the cultural epicentre of Yogyakarta

Kotagede is a maze of traditional Indonesian houses, painted in eye-catching colours such as green, pink and aqua (my favourite was the aqua!). Wandering through the narrow streets, you will come across friendly neighbours, happy to stop you for a chat and a photo and fall in love with the fine details of the doors, local art, windows and alleys. Oh, and it’s the perfect place for a spontaneous photo opp.

Kotagede and its pretty facades Yogyakarta

Kotagede and its pretty facades – and a couple of travel bloggers!

Colourful doors in Kotagede Yogyakarta
Kotagede by Trishita

Ling in Kotagede by Trishita from Overrated_Outcast

Colourful doors in Kotagede Yogyakarta

7. Visit Legi Market

Things to do in Yogyakarta - visit Legi Market

Legi Market, hands down, would have to be the best local market I’ve visited. There was a really cool atmosphere here, and better yet, stunning light for any budding photographers. The aisles are closely packed and filled with a range of items, including Batik fabric, cooking utensils, local produce and the largest variety of prawn crackers I’ve ever come across. I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a ‘grazer’ when it comes to markets, so sampling the food here was a tasty experience.

Legi Market in Yogyakarta
Legi Market in Yogyakarta

8. Learn Bahasa

Bahasa is an interesting, melodic language and doing a class at Desa Bahasa is a fun way to get down the basics. Not only will you be entertained by the zestful enthusiasm of your teacher (I want whatever he’s on…), but if you can master a few phrases the locals will love you. They also offer homestays here, for a truly authentic local experience.

9. Make your own pottery

Pottery in Klipoh Village Indonesia

Whilst Patrick Swayze’s character was not around to help my fingers glide through the soft, wet clay, making my own bowl on a turner was a lot of fun and very therapeutic. You can have a go at making a clay keepsake at Klipoh Village. If getting your hands dirty isn’t your thing, you can admire the local pottery and watch how they make them from start to finish.

Clay pottery in Yogyakarta Indonesia
Klipoh village pottery making in Yogyakarta Indonesia

10. Check out waterfalls

Yogyakarta boasts some stunning waterfalls worthy of an Instagram snap. The best way to visit them is to hire a driver to take you, and you should consider visiting Air Terjun Perawan (also known as the Virgin Falls), Sidoharjo and Sri Gethuk. Be prepared for an easy, picturesque trek through a little nature along the way.

Air Terjun Perawan by Larissa Denning

Air Terjun Perawan by Larissa Dening

11. Eat!

Eating the local food at Legi Market in Yogyakarta

Our introduction to Yogyakarta started with a whole heap of food, and it never ended! The art of cooking and eating is taken seriously here, with an array of different exotic flavours in the mix. Sadly, for me, I’m not a huge fan of spicy food or seafood, so I often had to settle for rice and crackers. Thankfully, prawn crackers seem to be in their own food category, and are served in an abundance of amounts and flavours at each meal. 

Delicious food in Yogyakarta Indonesia
Food in Yogyakarta Indonesia

They also like sweet food here, which is something I can relate to. In saying that, some dishes just DID NOT work, including a dessert dish called Es Teler that could only be described as a nasty combination of random textures such as avocado, coconut and jackfruit, and tasting like the fermented juice you find at the bottom of a food scrap pile (check out my reaction in the video!). However, if that’s your kind of thing, enjoy! 

12. Try jamu

Local lady making jamu in Yogyakarta

Jamu is a traditional herbal medicine, often with turmeric as its base ingredient. There’s different types of jamu each with its own medicinal properties. Made from a mixture of herbs, spices, honey and even eggs, these drinks offer different benefits such as curing a cold, assisting fertility, enhancing libido and even tightening your ‘lady parts’ (just in case they were feeling a little loose). Spoiler alert: it was not delicious!

My reaction to beras kencur jamu

13. Make and admire Batik

Batik in Yogyakarta Indonesia

Freshly-printed Batik by Michael from Time Travel Turtle

Yogyakarta is famous for its Batik. Batik is fabric with intricate designs made from wax drawings on a cloth prior to dying it. When the cloth is dyed and the wax is removed, the dyed fabric is left with the complex designs drawn in the wax. Wander through the streets of Kota Gede and you’ll see locals wearing the printed fabric with a casual sense of style. You can even have a go at making batik yourself, however it looks easier than it actually is!

Locals wearing batik in Yogyakarta

Locals in batik by Jonathon from Easternsuns

14. Check out the street art

Street art in Yogyakarta Indonesia

I was pleasantly surprised at the random street art I stumbled upon in Yogyakarta. If you are a fan, keep your eyes peeled for colourful works, often depicting historical or social messages.

Things to do in Yogyakarta - Street art
Things to do in Yogyakarta - Street art
Things to do in Yogyakarta - Street art
Things to do in Yogyakarta - Vibrant murals

15. Visit a royal cemetery

As macabre as sounds, the royal cemetery of the Mataram Kingdom is worth a visit. Within the bowels of Kota Gede is a beautiful stone wall, which encloses the graveyard of important historical figures, such as Sultan Hadiwijaya and Panembahan Senopati. Unfortunately for us, the graveyard was closed (public opening hours are: Monday 10:00am – 12:00pm & Friday 1:30pm – 4:00pm), but you can still wander through the grounds and admire the Hindu architecture and ruins. You might be lucky and spot kingdom guards guarding the graveyard, wearing the traditional Javanese dress. Yogyakarta’s oldest mosque, the Kotagede Mosque, is also found here.

The traditional entrance to the royal graveyard complex in Yogyakarta Indonesia

16. Take a becak ride through the streets

A becak (also known as a bike taxi or trishaw) is a popular form of transport for tourists, a fun way to explore Yogya and the one of the many interesting things to do in Yogyakarta. Sit back and enjoy coasting through the narrow streets while someone else does the hard work. You will either feel like royalty, or incredibly fat and lazy (especially when the driver has to push the becak up a hill).

Ride a becak through the streets of Jogja

17. Ride a neon flashing beetle

If you are a ‘Belieber’ or a Hello Kitty fanatic, then you may just go giddy over the neon beetles in Southern City Square. Imagine a street lined with beetles adorned with bright, flashing neon lights, often in the shape of the aforementioned Biebs and Hello Kitty, blasting music and carnival sounds. I’m not sure I’d call it a ‘tough lap’, but you can take a ride in one of these crazy jukeboxes on wheels. If only I had my light-up sneakers on me!

The neon beetles in Yogyakarta are hard to miss

18. Take an Andong ride

Forget the horse & carriage ride in Central Park, ride an Andong through the picturesque green villages whilst waving to the locals and you will be left speechless.

Things to do in Yogyakarta - Take a leisurely andong ride through the villages

19. Connect with the locals

Things to do in Yogyakarta - Locals
Things to do in Yogyakarta - Meeting the locals

The locals of Jogja are incredibly warm and friendly, and are more than happy to chat and have their photo taken. In fact, at times I felt they were just waiting for a tourist with a camera to walk past and to have their moment in the spotlight (not unlike myself!). You’d be surprised what you can learn from talking to the locals, like when we learnt that bone marrow was the perfect aphrodisiac for making babies!

Things to do in Yogyakarta - Meeting with the locals
Things to do in Yogyakarta - Meeting with the locals

20. Visit a Hindu temple at Prambanan

UNESCO World Heritage Site, Prambanan, is Indonesia’s largest Hindu temple, also dating back to the 9th century. With the central temple rising 47 metres to the sky and surrounded by other smaller temples, intricate stone reliefs and luscious gardens, the whole complex is a stunning site that will please a history buff and temple addict.

Prambanan - Things to do in Yogyakarta

Prambanan by Michael from Time Travel Turtle

21. Learn history through puppets

Paper Moon Puppet Theatre originally began as a fine art studio and presented entertaining puppet performances for children. It has since evolved, and now uses puppetry to often teach about the dark history of Indonesia. The performances have proven to be a great success, and the company have since been featured in festivals and even toured America. The puppets themselves are intriguingly adorable and it’s often easy to forget that they aren’t real people. You can even participate in workshops and make (or at least attempt to make) your very own puppet to take home.

The adorable puppets from Paper Moon Puppet theatre

The adorable puppets from Paper Moon Puppet theatre

Making puppets at Paper Moon Puppet theatre

Making my puppet by Noah from Zeebachi

22. Get a massage

It would be a tragedy to visit Indonesia and not indulge in a massage treatment. For a portion of the price we pay back home, you can have your stresses and tensions kneaded away from $5-$40 (dirt cheap). The massages are so relaxing and you will feel like a new person when you finish.

23. Stay somewhere ‘green’

Stay at Green Host Hotel, Yogyakarta

The eco movement is becoming more and more popular in tourism and the Green Host boutique hotel is at the forefront representing eco-friendly accommodation in Yogyakarta. Not only that, but it has a very funky design and ambience about it. There’s a few boutique eco-friendly hotels in Yogyakarta, so there’s some nice choices for the greenie.

Where to stay in Yogyakarta
Green Host Hotel, Yogyakarta
Arty interiors at Green Host Hotel

24. Order a Go-Jek

Love Uber? You might just go crazy over Go-Jek. Go-Jek is an Indonesian start-up where you can order a ride via a scooter (don’t worry, all the drivers are registered and provide helmets!). Not only that, but since starting in 2010, they’ve expanded their services to provide food delivery, ticket purchasing, on-call massages and beauty treatments and more! Indonesians love it, and if you try it, you will too!

25. Explore Jomblang Cave

Ok, so technically we haven’t made it to this amazing natural wonder yet, because they only release something like 25 tickets per day to visit it. But, it is something I would be SO keen to get back to Jogja to do next time! Formed by a sinkhole thousands of years ago, the cave houses some incredible vegetation, some 50+ metres below the earth. If you happen to be lucky enough to visit when the sun is overhead (between 10am – 2pm) the sunrays create a heavenly stream of light into the cavern below. If you want to get that awe-inspiring Insta shot, make sure you book a driver and a ticket well in advance.

Jomblang Cave, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Jomblang Cave by César González Palomo via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

If you manage to get through all of these and still have time and energy (well first, let me applaud you!), you can get more ideas here. In fact, this list has a whole bunch of adventurous stuff I would be keen to go back and do!

Getting to Yogyakarta

Getting to Yogyakarta is easy with domestic flights from Indonesia’s main airports such as Jakarta and Bali. AirAsia also fly there from Sydney via Kuala Lumpur. If you want to take the ‘scenic route’ you can take a train from Jakarta, with 11 trains running each day (it’s an 8 hour ride though!).

25 things to do in Yogyakarta Indonesia
25 things to do in Yogyakarta

Have you been to Yogyakarta? Can you think of other must-do activities? Share them all below!

This trip was part of the #TripofWonders by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism. I’m super flattered to have been part of this trip, but all opinions are still my own.

This post contains some affiliate links. Booking via these links won’t cost you any extra, but will help me get closer to my dream career, so thank you in advance!

Mermaid school in Bali: So you want to be a Mermaid?

Mermaid school in Bali: So you want to be a Mermaid?

Mermaid school in Bali: So you want to be a Mermaid?

Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve dreamt of being a mermaid. In fact, after seeing The Little Mermaid, I was convinced that being a mermaid was my life’s destiny. I’d spend hours in the pool, practicing my mermaid swimming technique, until my skin turned wrinkly and the sun would set.

Flash forward 20+ years and that dream still lives strong. So when I found out that there is a Mermaid School in Bali, I jumped (or should I say swam) at the chance to live out my dream!


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So you want to be a mermaid?
Mermaid school, Bali
We took a boat ride to different waters for swimming

Mermaid school in Bali will take you to some beautiful locations around Bali

Island Mermaids

Island Mermaids was created by fellow mermaid, Chelsea, who swapped her life in Jersey for the island life in Bali. And we don’t blame her, as there are some truly gorgeous beaches, fit for a mermaid there. Initially starting out ‘mermaiding’ (that can be a verb, right?) as a fun pastime with friends, Chelsea saw a wonderful opportunity to spread the joy of being a mermaid with others. She started to design and create mermaid tails for herself, before expanding the business into selling the mermaid tails and products worldwide. She even supports the Balinese community by using small local businesses to manufacture her products.

I was definitely in my element as a mermaid

One of the amazing tails you could wear at Mermaid School!

Why be a Mermaid?

Mermaiding has become a massive thing recently, with many more people dreaming of ‘under the sea’. Mermaid schools are beginning to pop up all over the world and you can even order your own mermaid tails and accessories online. On the back of this worldwide interest, Island Mermaids was created to offer half-day tours where people can venture out into the lovely shores of Bali and Gili Trawangan and swim like a mermaid! You will be picked up from your hotel in Bali and, with Chelsea’s inside knowledge of all of the best spots, get taken on a boat ride to amazing ‘Instaworthy‘ locations. She even offers photo shoot packages, including styling and a professional photographer.

Chelsea from Mermaid School Bali will make you look amazing in the beautiful tails

Becoming a mermaid

Despite how beautiful and glamorous some mermaid photos can be, there is nothing glamorous or graceful about the process of becoming a mermaid. First of all, you need to put the tail on around your feet and slowly wriggle and squeeze your legs, hips and bum into the tail. It was at this point I really regretted eating all of the yummy mi goreng and gelato on the trip so far! Thankfully, the tails are made out of super stretchy material and are forgiving. Once the tail is on, Chelsea helps you secure your feet into the monofin, before stretching the bottom of the tail over it. Then, voilà, I was a mermaid!

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Mermaid lesson 101

Chelsea provides expert instruction on heaps of cool underwater tricks like twirls, flips and gliding underwater, mostly utilising your core. Chelsea demonstrates how to swim, dive and do the tricks underwater while you watch (snorkel masks were provided to see better) and then dutifully watches my own attempts. Depending on your confidence and ability, Chelsea offers varied guidance and assistance until you feel like you are free to swim on your own. In my case, not too much was needed, so we had more time to swim and take underwater footage.



Island Mermaids, Bali

There’s something special about exploring the ocean as a mermaid

Being a mermaid

So what was it like being a mermaid? Well, for me it was quite easy. I mean, I had been preparing for this moment my whole life, so I took to it like a fish to water (pun intended). Chelsea was quite surprised, even exclaiming after my first attempt, “wow, you are a natural”. I think it helped that I’m all about that bass and had plenty to work with. If I was to pick any song that could be the perfect analogy of swimming like a mermaid, it’s the chorus from Ice Cube’s “You Can Do It”. Legit.

You can do it put your back into it...

You can do it put your back into it…

I have to admit, at first it was a bit odd not being able to kick your legs individually, but for me it was easy to get used to. Despite making you feel slightly heavier, wearing the monofin really helped with swimming, and it was surprising how much more speed and strength is gained from wearing one. The only trouble I had was holding my breath long enough to do all the tricks and swim the distances I would have liked in one breath. Something to work on for next time!

Mermaid swimming is a skill
Live out the mermaid dream

Mermaid Modelling

After a good deal of swimming, we headed over to the shore to take some photos. Chelsea loves mermaid styling and was eager to help set up poses and suggest spots. Again, this was a fun experience and way to finish up my day of being a mermaid. Chelsea brings a range of her handmade tails for you to pick from. My favourite had to be the one I wore on land. If you love them as much as I do, you can also purchase tails and accessories from her store (something I’m still convincing Guy I need to do!).

My mermaid dreams became a reality

I was totally in my element as a mermaid

The verdict?

Swimming like a mermaid is a lot of fun but hard work! If there were a gym class for this, I would hand over all my money. I absolutely had a ball and felt muscles working out that I never knew I had! Sadly, the water clarity wasn’t the best on the day we did it, but it didn’t stop me from having a ball. I would definitely love to do it again at Gili Trawangan, as Chelsea said the water clarity and beaches are far better there.

If you are headed to Bali and want to live your dream of becoming a mermaid, head to Island Mermaids to get in touch with Chelsea and get prices on the different packages. The packages include transport, use of the various mermaid tails and half a day of being a mermaid. The other thing I loved about this day is that each booking is private; you are not placed in a group with strangers (although, I’m sure that could be arranged), and we could do whatever we liked during the day. That being said, it’s best to book in advance so you don’t miss out. If you aren’t so keen on swimming, but want to look the part, you can do the photo shoot package or purchase her tails online. I must warn you though, mermaiding is addictive!

Mermaid for life

Are you a fellow mermaid? Would you go to Mermaid school in Bali? Comment below to let us know.

Getting the Perfect Photo in Santorini

Getting the Perfect Photo in Santorini

Getting the Perfect Photo in Santorini

“They all come here because it’s so white and clean…”, a fellow traveller said to me as we watched a bridal party, with professional camera crew in tow, pose against the white-washed walls and blue-domed churches. It was the second bridal party we had seen that day, roaming around Oía looking glamorous with flowing gowns, perfect hair and stiletto heels. They certainly made me, with my denim shorts, messy beach hair and €10 espadrilles feel a little underdressed. I had never thought of Santorini in that way before (as a destination just for staged wedding photos), but when my new travel companion said it, it made complete sense. I mean, if you want the perfect wedding or formal photos, Santorini provides the perfect backdrop.

The clean, crisp colours of Santorini are perfect for photos

Anyone who trolls through travel photos on Instagram can see a stream of stunning images from Santorini. It would have to be the most photographic place in the Greek Islands. The white buildings provide the perfect contrast against the deep blue of the Caldera sea. As my new friend and I got talking, we agreed that there is a sense of cleanliness and luxury to Santorini that makes it stand out from the other Greek Islands.

Santorini, the perfect, photogenic backdrop

When we were deciding which Greek Island to visit, I was drawn to Santorini for those iconic blue-domed churches. I wanted to get my very own picture of said churches and the perfect sunset shot of the sun setting over the Caldera and against the colourful hillside of cave dwellings and resorts.

The iconic blue-domed churches...

So without further adieu, here are our tips to get the perfect photo in Santorini…

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Tips to get the perfect photo in Santorini
Santorini: a photographer's dream

Map out your subjects/landmarks

Despite how small Santorini, specifically Oía, is, it’s quite easy to get lost in the small alleys and winding paths. And surprisingly, those iconic churches, although high in number, are quite hard to find if you don’t know where to look. The easiest way to find them, is to walk down Nik. Nomikou (the main street in Oía) and find Melenio Cafe. Around the corner from the cafe is a small alley that will lead you to the churches. The other spot we recommend going to is the Byzantine Castle ruins. This is where most people flock to for the sunset photos. Here’s a map to help:

<iframe src="!1m26!1m12!1m3!1d2670.7462578222403!2d25.37252412738122!3d36.46111512459587!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m11!3e6!4m3!3m2!1d36.461934!2d25.377133999999998!4m5!1s0x1499cb816539a3e5%3A0xce3d94de56ab6885!2sByzantine+Castle+Ruins%2C+Oia%2C+Greece!3m2!1d36.4601095!2d25.372733699999998!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sau!4v1474637403363" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It took a while, but we finally found the famous churches!

Pick your times

If you want your subject to be washed with the golden hues of a sunrise or sunset, you need to know what times they occur (and where the sun rises and sets). For example, the blue domed churches aren’t as spectacular at sunset, as the sun descends beyond around the curve of the peninsula. Early in the morning however, you will get the gorgeous, golden colours washing over the buildings (but we aren’t morning people and chose to sleep in instead of get up – priorities, right!?) A quick internet search will give you fairly accurate times of sunrise and sunset, so plan your photos around that.

Check sunrise/sunset times before heading out

Stake out your spot… early!

On our first night, we made the mistake of underestimating how many other people also wanted that perfect sunset shot. We spent the afternoon wandering through the alleys and didn’t start looking for our spot until it was too late. The best spots were filled with huge crowds all with the same idea. That evening, we missed the perfect pic as we just couldn’t get past all of the people crowded in every corner of an alley with a view. The next evening, we got to the castle really early and claimed an ideal perch. If you want that coveted spot, be prepared to arrive a couple of hours prior to sunset, as the areas fill up quickly, especially in summer. Make sure you have fluids and stuff to eat while you hang out, as every other ‘photographer’ won’t hesitate to take your spot if you leave it unattended.

If you want a good spot for sunset pics, you need to stake it out early

Have the right gear and settings on your camera ready

If you’ve got a DSLR or mirrorless camera, play with your settings in advance to work out what is right for you. As a general rule, keep the ISO low (around the 100 mark). Still being somewhat of an amateur, I still default to the P (Program) mode, which adapts the Shutter Speed and Aperture automatically. But if you are quite confident, and have a tripod, then switch to Aperture or Manual mode and play with around with the settings. To avoid a washed out look, try reducing exposure settings slightly and trial different white balances to change the tones of the photo. If you are a phoneographer, then work with what you have. If you want to be really professional (and avoid any blurry pics), have a tripod set up and ready for the event. The tip is to review the pics as you go and make the appropriate changes to the settings (as quickly as you can, so you don’t miss the main event!).

Enjoying this post and want to read more about Santorini? Check out our post, Santorini – The Place for Love

Watch your lines and the horizon

The perfectionist in me cannot handle photos that aren’t straight. Unless you are intentionally trying to be somewhat artistic and have the image skewed, try to take the photo straight. Use the gridlines on your device if that helps. A crooked horizon line often ruins so many potentially perfect photos. If you have taken a crooked photo, not all is lost, as editing programs can fix it (so you have NO excuse to post a crooked photo on Instagram!).

Don't ruin an amazing shot with a crooked horizon

Frame your picture & experiment with angles

Often, the best pictures are those that are slightly different to the rest. Play around with angles and focal points. Try shooting from different angles – get to the ground and shoot up, or find a higher vantage point and shoot down (although beware of the slippery surfaces and angry nonnas in Santorini – one came out swinging a broom at a brave tourist who was trying to take a photo from the roof of one of her neighbour’s houses. She then proceeded to yell at us demanding money for taking photos of her views!).

Try different angles and focal points
Personally, I love sun rays and flares, that I'll shoot at an angle to get them

Make friends with other travellers and/or photographers

Whether you are waiting for the sun to set, or politely waiting your turn to take a picture of the churches, you may as well make friends while you are there. Get chatting to others around you and offer to take photos of each other. A good full-frame photo trumps a selfie any day. Just make sure you are clear on what you are after and check your pics before you move on, so you hopefully have one you are happy with. There’s also safety in numbers from the before-mentioned crazy, cranky nonnas.

Inspired by these photos? Check out our photo essay of another gorgeous Greek Island, Paros.

Find the ‘quirky’

The perfect photo doesn’t always capture the essence of a place. Sure, get the iconic shot that you can proudly display to family and friends, but keep your eyes peeled for other potential pictures to shoot. Whether it’s some colourful flowers, or freshly-caught octopus hanging out to dry, take the time to explore your surroundings and appreciate all the details around you.

Take your time to find the quaint and memorable
Look for the quirky and unique...

Despite following all of this advice, you may luck out and get less than ideal conditions. Sadly for us, the sunset we had staked out had a lot of cloud cover, so we didn’t get that bright, fiery sky of oranges, pinks and purples that I was hoping for. Nevertheless, part of the process is not just to capture the perfect photo, but collect the memories along the way. We got to meet other travellers, get lost through the streets of Oía and fall in love with this picturesque island, something that sometimes even the most perfect photo can’t create.

Santorini offers plenty of pretty photo opportunities

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