by Kim-Ling | Nov 2, 2015 | Auxiliares, Spain, Tips and Tricks, Travel

Imagine all the places you could go…
Most people dream of packing up their lives and moving to an exotic place to live overseas and begin a journey of change, excitement and fulfilment. I mean, if this wasn’t the case, novels and movies such as Eat, Pray, Love; The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel; or, my favourite, Under the Tuscan Sun, would not have been such big hits. With that being said, it’s not the “Why” that stops many of us, but the “HOW”? Teaching English is one of the best ways to do it. (more…)
by Kim-Ling | Oct 7, 2015 | Auxiliares, Spain, Tips and Tricks
Coming from Australia, living in Spain was so cheap! Whilst we had saved a lot to make the most of our year in Spain, we were able to enjoy our life there due to the fact that living expenses were relatively low. For those of you about to take the plunge, I’ve collected average costs on living in a few different cities of Spain. Some of these figures were given to me by friends who are living in those cities, and others were taken from Numbeo.
by Guy | Aug 23, 2015 | Tips and Tricks, Travel

Money, money, money…
Saving for that big European adventure is a big deal. You’ve probably worked extra shifts, sacrificed nights out with friends and resisted buying well, anything, in order to make your dreams of cobblestone streets, ancient ruins and artistic masterpieces a reality. But while you want to experience the best Europe has to offer, it can still be expensive. So how do you make your money go that little bit further? Try these five tips for saving money to make the most of your European adventure. (more…)
by Kim-Ling | Apr 10, 2015 | Tips and Tricks, Travel
“Viajas más que el baúl de la Piquer”, my friend once said to me. It translates to, “You travel more than the trunk of Piquer”; a Spanish saying from the 40s relating to Concha Piquer, a Spanish singer who travelled the world singing and had the country stickers all over her trunk (suitcase) to prove it. During this year, we’ve been blessed to spend almost every weekend travelling and since September, have visited 8 different countries. How do we do it you may ask?