Glass Igloos of Finland
Glass Igloos of Finland
If these photos don’t make you want to stay in a glass igloo… nothing will…

You had me at glass igloo
When I first saw a photo of the glass igloos of Kakslauttanen in Finland, I was entranced, and immediately dreamt about staying there. So when I did the Auxiliares Program in Spain, I figured it was the best time to tick that dream off the list. I mean, who can resist falling asleep with nothing but stars and, if you are lucky, the northern lights visibly over your head?
But hey, rather than waffle on about our stay there, we figured our photos are much more enticing…
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There’s nothing like waking up to sunlight softly streaming through snow-capped pine trees…

Whilst it looks cold on the outside, the inside is heated and toasty-warm…

Glass Igloos at night
Mesmerising by day, the glass igloos look magical at night, lit up amongst the snow and the stars…

For those a little shy for the glass igloos, you can stay in rooms completely made out of snow!

If you want the ultimate white wedding, why not in a glass chapel, surrounded by a white, winter wonderland?

Husky Safari through Lapland
You can also arrange fun activities at the hotel. The Husky Safari is an absolute must! Not only is it a chance to get the adrenaline racing, it’s also one of the best ways to see the undeniable beauty of Finnish Lapland.

Want to read more about our Finland adventure? Check out our post!
Winter Wonderland
We are normally beach people and prefer the warmer weather, but seeing the sun rise through the snow-covered trees was absolutely magical and swayed me to embrace the cold and the forest. It really felt like we were in a fairytale.

The Finnish Sauna – Getting in touch with nature… literally
Did you know that the word Sauna is the only Finnish word that has been internationally accepted in other languages? It seems appropriate, as it is quite the pastime. If you want the true Lappish experience, you should sit in the heated room, naked, until it becomes unbearable. Then, and only then, you should run outside and roll in the snow. It’s said to have wonderful health properties, such as improving blood circulation, but I’m pretty sure we all do it just for the rush.

Guy and I are not ones to miss out on experiencing the local culture, so off we went, to our respective saunas (they are segregated for each gender), and into the snow we jumped. I was more concerned about slipping on the ice and knocking myself out, naked, than how cold the snow would be, but I did it, and kinda loved it! It’s a very invigorating experience, and I ended up making naked snow angels, giggling at the oddity of it all… twice (sorrynotsorry for the visuals!)!

Snow fun!
For those who are still very in touch with their inner-child, you’ve got plenty of opportunities to make snow angels and have snowball fights in fresh, soft powder…

Food, glorious food!
There are no cooking facilities in the glass igloos, however, the onsite restaurant makes up for that with delicious meals. They aren’t cheap, but the taste of a delicious, warm meal on a cold evening is priceless… Depending where your accommodation is located, you can enjoy a drink in the glass igloo bar.

The Northern Lights
If you are very lucky, you might even catch the fascinating and awe-inspiring aurora borealis (northern lights). The aurora is a fickle thing though, and only appears when the skies are clear and electrically charged particles from the sun collide with gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Luckily for us, we got a glimpse…

Unfortunately for us, it was still quite a cloudy night, so the glimpse we got was so fleeting and quick, I didn’t have time to properly set up my camera, so the photos didn’t turn out as great as I’d hoped (we happened to just be walking back to our igloo from the restaurant when we saw them). We also briefly saw it from our igloo in bed (a moment I’ll never forget!), but the clouds quickly covered it up.

Are you convinced? Is staying in a Glass Igloo at Kakslauttanen on your bucket list? If so, you should definitely start saving and start booking! These igloos are pretty popular and I booked our accommodation close to 10 months in advance (and got the last one!). When you are there, don’t forget to take the obligatory selfie! 🙂